Category Archives: Genesis

Fine Tuning and the Probability of Adam and Eve: Part 3

Increasing Homozygosity Predicts Extinction In accord with the Primary Axiom, both ND biologists and physicists have assumed for decades that natural selection must be the counter-balance to biological entropy. John Polkinghorne recognized the conflict between what he labeled the “pessimistic arrow of time” reflected in thermodynamic entropy and the seeming complexification of biological systems. His… Continue Reading

Fine Tuning and the Probability of Adam and Eve: Part 2

Entropy and the Biological Connection Around 1850, physicists Sir. William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) and Rudolf Clausius established both the First Law of Thermodynamics—while the diverse energy forms within a system are interchangeable, the total energy of a closed system is conserved—and the Second Law of Thermodynamics— over time, the energy convertible to work in a closed system irreversibly decreases… Continue Reading