What is Irreducible Complexity? - Michael Behe
What is Irreducible Complexity? - Michael Behe
The Ontological Argument - Dr. Daniel Vecchio
The Ontological Argument - Dr. Daniel Vecchio
CRT As A New Religion - Anthony Costello
CRT As A New Religion - Anthony Costello
What is Critical Race Theory? - Anthony Costello
What is Critical Race Theory? - Anthony Costello
Agency and How to Identify It - Angus Menuge
Agency and How to Identify It - Angus Menuge
Science Fiction and Fantasy Novels - John C. Wright
Science Fiction and Fantasy Novels - John C. Wright
Mere Molinism - Dr. Tim Stratton
Mere Molinism - Dr. Tim Stratton
ID and Social Epistemology - Steve Fuller
ID and Social Epistemology - Steve Fuller
Can ID Be Science? - Del Ratzsch
Can ID Be Science? - Del Ratzsch
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Fine Tuning and the Probability of Adam and Eve: Part 2

Entropy and the Biological Connection Around 1850, physicists Sir. William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) and Rudolf Clausius established both the First Law of Thermodynamics—while the diverse energy forms within a system are interchangeable, the total energy of a closed system is conserved—and the Second Law of Thermodynamics— over time, the energy convertible to work in a closed system irreversibly decreases…

Fine Tuning and the Probability of Adam and Eve: Part 1

This is the first post in a series that is designed as a discussion starter about the scientific probability of Adam and Eve. The argument is a unique apologetic advancing the philosophical argument for Fine Tuning by applying new genomic research into the controversial study of human origins. As each part is posted, I invite…